
Posts Tagged ‘husband’

My hubby is wonderful!

My husband is changing jobs…and so therefore this week he took off to catch up on some odd jobs that he was working on for himself.  He finished all those jobs yesterday so today he had the day to spend it at home with us.

Being the good wife that I am..I ALLOWED let my wonderful husband sleep in today.  This, I’m sure, was not an easy task as I was babysitting two children and taking care of Elijah at the same time…all two and under.  But, he did it.

Then he came out and asked Elijah if he wanted to go out to the music store with him today as well as Home Depot.  Elijah was ecstatic!  We rarely get out of the house throughout the week as hubby has the car and I’m sure not going to drag four kids out on the town with me… 🙂

So what am I doing right now?

I’m sitting in a quiet house.  The two that I  babysit are having a nap and my child is out with his daddy.

Life is good right now.  My hubby is wonderful.  (Not just for this gesture…but this does help) 🙂

I am going to go relax and watch something on TV that doesn’t have the words: Toopy, Mickey or Elmo in the title.  🙂

Have a great weekend everybody!


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